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leave a bad taste in someone’s mouth
给人留下坏印象  detail>>
leave a bad taste in the mouth
留下臭味, 留下恶感  detail>>
or leave a bad taste in your mouth
还是在你嘴里留下了难闻的怪味  detail>>
leave a nasty taste in the mouth
给人留下厌恶的印象 留下讨厌的气味 在嘴里留下恶臭  detail>>
bad taste
坏品味 嗜血狂魔 宇宙怪客  detail>>
in bad taste
粗俗, 不礼貌  detail>>
taste bad
难吃  detail>>
bad mouth
恶意诽谤 诽谤  detail>>
give someone a taste of
叫某人尝尝…的滋味 叫某人略略体验一下…  detail>>
bitter taste in the mouth
口苦  detail>>
bitter taste in the mouth and anorexia
苦纳差  detail>>
bitter taste of mouth
口苦  detail>>
delicious taste of mouth
口香  detail>>
dry mouth with bitter taste
口干苦  detail>>
have a bitter taste in the mouth
嘴里发苦  detail>>
nasty taste in the mouth
令人恶心的感觉  detail>>
normal taste of mouth
口中和  detail>>
sour taste of mouth
口酸  detail>>